Successful Writing Habit #2 – Set Goals

Successful Writing Habit #2 – Set Goals

Schedule Time to Write

Writers must have a plan when they will write. There are so many distraction to keep you from writing and time moves fast. You will never accomplish writing goals for yourself or an editor if you don’t write regularly and keep a writing schedule.

For example, an editor gives you an assignment with a deadline You have to complete it to get paid.  Or perhaps you desire to publish a book. You have schedule writing time finish the manuscript. Setting writing goals is the first step to publishing. Good writers, and certainly those who are successful, practice discipline.

When I am working on a book I set a goal of writing 3-5 pages a week. I know that most people reading this will say that that doesn’t sound like much however, if you consistently  do that you will complete your book in a year. Right now this works for me as I need a goal that fits in with my other responsibilities. I work full-time and teach dance.  Most writers have can’t support themselves, at least in the beginning with writing. Setting small goals helps me stay on target.

Please let me know what works for you in the comment section below.

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