Successful Writing Habit #5 – The Outline

Successful Writing Habit #5 – The Outline

The Importance of Using an Outline

An outline can help keep your writing more focused and organized. I use my outline to bring structure to my stories. The process of writing an outline helps me pace and develop my story. I only outline for a few chapters at a time and not the entire book. During my book writing journey I constantly update and refer to my outline. My writing process starts with the character sketches and an outline.

There are several ways a writer can use an outline. I outline by chapter. All the main points of the chapter are in my outline. I also include notes and any research I find. An outline is a great tool for a writing who may, for unforeseen circumstances have to be away from writing. We all get busy with our lives whether it be jobs, families or personal issues. This time away derails our writing schedules. I strive to write everyday but there are times when life gets in a way and I simply cannot accomplish this goal. My outline has proved invaluable in helping me restart the process.

Writers block
An outline is a cure from writer’s block. Most writers have suffered from Writer’s block at one point in their careers. This happens when a writers doesn’t know what to write. I refer to my outline when this happens to give me inspiration on where I would go.T

I use an outline as a guide however, I let the characters speak through the stories. I may outline with a certain way the story is going to develop however, if my character is looking to go into a different direction I go with that. use my outline with my research.

Please share in the comment section how using an outline has helped you.
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