Writing Goals #4- Use a Calendar

Writing Goals #4- Use a Calendar

Calendars Keep Me On Track

A calendar is a visual tracker of my writing goals and I visit it often. Deadlines are an important part of writing. Editors will not work with writers who miss a deadlines unless there is a good reason. (I had a source refused to give an interview and I immediately consulted my editor. It was decided to not pursue the story at the time.)

I like to use both the calendar on my phone with the reminder and a paper calendar to keep myself on track. I include information on where I have gone for my writing so I can also keep track on my writing related expenses for tax purposes. I write down my progress on a short report. This report serves as a reminder to me about my writing obligations. When I am feeling down seeing what I have accomplished with my writing is an instant pick-up.

We are all so busy. Writers have the added task of tracking expenses and income along with other business related tasks that people working for someone else don’t have to think about. We must pay our taxes on time or possibly face a penalty. We must submit our articles on time or lose that income.  We must meet writing goals or face not moving forward with our writing.

How do you stay on track with your writing goals? Please share in the comment field below.