Successful Writing Habit #1 – Never Give Up

Successful Writing Habit #1 – Never Give Up

I am always asked, “How long did it take you to finish your book?”

It took me a year to write it. Of course,  after I wrote the book  I spent time editing it and then there were countless reviews.

When I think over that journey sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry and other times I am pensive. I feel an overwhelming sense of joy and pride that I was able to complete my goal. I finished my first novel, published it, continue to market it and now I am working on my second book.

The only way I was able to accomplish this was to be consistent. Consistency is a key in writing and it has to be a habit. I am consistent in my writing habits, consistent in my marketing and consistent in my planning. This is a trait I see in all successful writers.

Writers have to have an innate belief in themselves. You cannot give up no matter the setback and along this writing journey, there will be many.  When I get down I tap I read scriptures from the Bible and surround myself with positive people. This always helps restore my belief in me and get me writing again.

Over the next month I will be sharing more Successful Writing Habits that have kept me on track. I hope you will share your Successful Writing Habits in the comment section below. Let’s make this a dialogue.

Other articles you may be interested in reading:

Successful Writing Habit #6: The Character Sketch

Successful Writing Habit #5 : The Outline

Successful Writing Habit#4: Use a Calendar

Successful Writing Habit#3: Accountability

Successful Writing Habit #2: Set Goals