How To Make Editors Love You

How To Make Editors Love You

Ingrid Sturgis is the author of The Nubian Wedding Book

The successful freelance writer is one that knows the importance of cultivating a positive relationship with the editor. The magazine editor is the person who assigns and edits the articles. Play your cards right and you can get multiple assignments from an editor and even move with them when they go to another publication.

I wanted to share some ideas on how a writer can get regular assignments. My friend Ingrid Sturgis has had a lot of success freelancing. She is also an author and her book, The Nubian Wedding Book: Words and Rituals to Celebrate and Plan an African American Wedding, published by Crown in 1997 is the go-to guide to planning an Afrocentric nuptials. Ingrid is a wonderful mentor to writers. She is the Assistant Chair, Department of Media, Journalism and Film at Howard University teaching digital journalism. When I approached her with my questions she was happy to help me come up with some great tips to help writers get favor with editors.

#1 Give the Editor What She Wants
This means completing the assignment on the topic given. Don’t go on any tangents, and stick to the assignment given. Most magazines have themes, so it is important for articles to remain on topic. Make sure that sources that are used for the article fit the topic. Editors do not like surprises when it comes to assignments.

#2 Adhere to Deadlines and Word Counts
Editors always give a word count when they give out an assignment. They don’t want a lot of extra words they have to edit out. It is okay to go over word count by about 250 words because they will give the editor some room to make edits.

#3 Make Sure the Article You Send Isn’t Sloppy
Time is something that most editors don’t have an abundance. They do not want to spend time correcting typos, grammar mistakes, or messy copy. Submit copy that is clean and editors will reward you with other assignments.

#4 Include Contact Information for Sources
Almost all magazines, especially the bigger ones, have a fact-checking department. It makes things much easier for this department if a freelancer includes the name, phone number and email addresses of all sources quoted. When using data make sure that the source of that information is included as well. The writer who will get return assignments presents copy that is well written, has multiple sources, and adheres to the topic and word count.

#5 Include photos, graphs, graphics or other visuals
I let an editor know when pitching that I can get photos or visuals, as letting an editor know this has helped me get assignments. Many of the larger magazines will secure their own visuals, but smaller publications often see it as a plus when an author can get pictures or create graphics. There are several low-cost photo sites such as Adobe Photo or iStock Photo that provide these services. Make sure you follow permission guidelines when using these services. (You can read more about these sites on at Best Photo Sites: Ultimate Guide With 20 Stock Photo Websites.) I have also found success in asking sources for photos that I have used for an article.

#6 Pitch Ideas to the Editor
Editors like writers who can pitch appropriate article ideas that will appeal to the magazine audience. Editors are always looking for good ideas and if you can show that your pitches are targeted to the magazine’s audience you will be sure to get many assignments.

In addition, the tips above, I make sure not to contact the editors too much, complain or be hard to deal with. I know that the editor’s job is to get articles that fit in with the publication. Writers who put up a fuss when their copy is edited often don’t get return assignments. Good editors will not change the copy from its original intent.

I hope these tips were helpful. Feel free to share any tips that have worked for you.

One Reply to “How To Make Editors Love You”

  1. That was great information. I am starting to write a book and these tips will be cry helpful in my writing process.