6 Tips to Stay on Top of Book Marketing Part 1

6 Tips to Stay on Top of Book Marketing Part 1

Here are some quick tips you can do as a author to stay on top of your book marketing game. In a previous post 5 Low Cost Ways to Promote Your Book I talk about what an author must do to market their book after publication. Book marketing is non-stop. The number one reason why books don’t sell is that authors don’t market them.

The second reason books don’t sell is that authors give up too easy when marketing. It takes time for authors to find their niche. You have to continue market the book. A lot of authors let the worry that they don’t sell a lot of books or have lots of visitors at their events stop them from marketing and writing. The successful author is always writing and promoting.

Please check out a few marketing tips that will help jumpstart your marketing game.

1.  Always have your book, flyer or marketing materials with you.
I have sold my book, What Goes Around Comes Around, at plays, restaurants, funerals, book events, libraries and other places. I carry my books in my car in case someone wants to buy one. Many authors don’t sell the books because they don’t market them

2. Develop a 15-20 second “elevator pitch” describing the plot of your story.
All authors should be able to tell people quickly what their story is about. Here is my elevator pitch for What Goes Around Comes Around. Nicole Gonzalez is gifted with an angelic voice and a knack for writing gospel songs but she has allowed her debilitating fear of performing stand in the way of pursing her dreams. With life beating her down including an ex-husband and stressful job she isn’t sure where to turn. She surrenders her life over to God and begins to pursue her gospel dreams catching the eyes of two attractive men. Nicole learns that stepping out on faith can reap rewards.

3. Use social media to get the word out about your book. (Create a social media tags or handler to for your book.)
You don’t have to be involved in all social media but you do have to be consistent. Pick at least two and then make sure you make updates several times a week. I have created a Facebook page for my novel. People can send me notes on my page and I publicize when I am doing radio/Facebook interviews, book events and other promotional items.

4. Develop a website for your book.
A lot of writers get discouraged with this one. When you first start out you may not have the money to develop a big website. Start small in this area and then grow. Purchase your own domain name to make it easier for people to find you online. My domain is candacewaller.com not candacewaller.wordpress.com.

5. Tell everyone you know that you have written a book.
You have to be your own best publicist and talk about your book. Once you have your gotten down your elevator pitch you have to use it. Everyone around you should know that you are an author. Provide tips on writing and editing and encourage others to fulfill their writing dreams.6. Set up events where people can meet you as the author.

6. Set Up Events Where People Can Meet You As An Author
In my post The Importance of Bookstores I explain why the independent bookstore is important to self-published authors.  They often have book events that bring in people who love to read. Working with a bookstore on putting together an event can expose an author to new readers. You get the chance to meet up with readers and other authors. The other great benefits is that you will get book sales.

I would love to hear about what type of book marketing events worked for you. There will be a 6 Tips To Stay on Top of Book Marketing Part II.