Writing Conferences: Why Writers Need to Attend

Writing is a lonely lifestyle. If it weren’t for my writing groups I would probably never talk to another writer. I like my quiet time but to realize growth as a writer I need to network. The best places a writer can network is a writer’s conference.
I had the pleasure of attending the Publishing in Color conference on June 13 and 14 in Madison, NJ. This was a wonderful experience. The established writers were so genuine and really wanted to help. The conference had less than 100 attendees so it wasn’t so large that you felt overwhelmed but there was still a good mix of people.
The rain was terrible the day of the conference. I was totally soaked even with an umbrella. The moment I got in the door, the bag that I was carrying with my Starbucks drinks broke sending my beverage all over the floor. I was mortified, but then a Stephanie Nikolopoulos, a writer and editor, helped get me settled. Her kindness set the tone of the conference and made me so glad that I attended.
I am listing three reason every writer should make it their business to attend writer’s conference.
Learn New Trends in Publishing
It is important for writers to know the tastes of the public and what publishing houses, agents and magazine editors need and want. I am not advocating that a writer should just write for the public but it is a good idea to know publishing trends. I also learned about a few writing opportunities that I plan to share with my writing groups. I would not have been aware of these trends if I hadn’t attended the conference
Meet Other Writers
I met so many writers at this event. Some had already published their books others were thinking about writing. I even met some reviewers. Conferences are a great way to meet with other writers and perhaps work with them. Writing can be lonely, so take the opportunity to network with other writers. I sold two books at the conference I attended which was a total surprise to me. I love being a part of the writing community because we support each other.
Take a Break From Writing
I felt rejuvenated when I left the conference and also validated. Writing is so hard even if you have published a book or article. I like writing conferences because I learn so much and I also share. I need a break from writing. I need to be with other writers because they alone understand what this life is like. It was refreshing not be be writing but still promoting my writing.
Would love to get your thoughts on publishing event and what conferences you would recommend. Please add your insights to the comment section. Thanks so much.