When God is Your Friend

Developing a relationship with God has given me so much peace. Going to church, reading the Bible and giving offerings are great things to do however the best thing is being a friend of God.
How You Become a Friend of God
It all starts with reading the Bible and learning about the qualities that God has. God is loyal, supportive, loving, a great listening and always has your back. He is the best friend to have but many of us don’t utilize that friendship.
True friendship develops when you get ot know the other person and you spend time with that person. I find that when I read the Bible especially my favorite scriptures I get a new appreciation on what God does for His friends. I can see God’s hand in my life, in the opportunities that come my way and those that don’t.
Many people will consult their best friends before they buy a new outfit but won’t go to God before they make major life-altering decisions. I have a friend who said to me. “When you surrender things to God you get a better outcome.” I have found that she is so right.
Recently I was job searching. In the past I have gotten jobs only to find out once I was in them that they weren’t a good fit for me professionally and/or personally. Remember the stress from these situations drove me to my knees and I asked God to please find me a position that would work for me. I went up for job that seemed perfect on paper but I didn’t get it. This job was close to my house and I knew and liked the supervisor. I was so disappointed and wanted to give up. While meditating a voice encouraged me to try again. I saw another job and almost didn’t apply. I am so glad I did because I got that job and I LOVE it.
A few weeks ago I got confirmation that this was the right job for me. I learned from a trusted source that there was a lot going on with the other company. I am so glad I didn’t get the job from that other company but I kept going. The job I have now is a great fit for my personality and skills.
Talking to God and surrendering my decision to His will has had a positive impact in my life. The more I spoke with God and asked for His divine wisdom the better outcomes I had. He has wisdom that we will never have and can see all sides of a situation. In I Samuel 16:7 God admonished Samuel when he tries to tell God who should be king.
Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see s man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord look at the heart.
God is my best friend even when I don’t appreciate it. He sees everything and will guides me to the right path to take. In all things we should strive to be a friend of God.
Candace Waller is the author of the Christian novel What Goes Around Comes Around. In this novel the main character, Nicole Gonzalez, has been gifted with an angelic voice and a knack for song writing. With the world pressing her down and a soon-to-be ex chipping at her self- confidence, Nicole isn’t sure she has the courage to follow her dreams. Then two men, an old flame and a sexy new musician, come into her life and really give her something to sing about. Will she allow her debilitating fear of performing and self doubt to stop her from love and career fulfillment? Nicole finds out when you step out on faith, the unexpected happens.