The Importance of Writing Everyday

I am a part of several writing groups and I have noticed something that seems so elementary. Writers that publish books and articles, write daily or at least 3-5 times a week. I hear so many people call themselves writers but they hardly ever write.
The excuses I have heard on why they don’t write are amusing and more often mundane. The great Mary Higgins Clark, also known as the Queen of Suspense has millions of books in print and regularly stays on the on New York Times bestsellers list. She started her writing career while parenting 5 children alone after her husband died. She would get up early in the morning and write before getting the children off to school. I have met her several times and despite her advancing years she still has the fire to write.
When I want to be successful at something I emulate the tactics other successful people such as Mary Higgins Clark and basketball legend Michael Jordan. I love basketball and started my career as a sports journalist. A writer is similar to an athlete. They both have to have drive. The only way to do this is to practice. Michael Jordan didn’t become the best player in the NBA by only occasionally throwing free throws. He had a vigorous work ethic making him one of the greatest basketball players of all time.
Successful writers have to have the same work ethic as Michael Jordan. They have to do daily writing drills and promote their work on social media. They have to pitch to publications and work on their books daily. People who write take their craft seriously.
Many people who claim to be writers don’t write regularly. They make excuses not to write. They allow themselves to become distracted. They will be working on the same book making little progress for years. I see too many people who do not write regularly call themselves writers. These people can be identified easily because they rarely have work to share with the writer’s group.
My focus is on my writing and perfecting my craft. Writing everyday or at least 3-5 times weeks makes a writer sharp and ready for opportunities. I entered two contests this summer because the story I had written a few months prior was a fit. I have received feedback from one of the contest. She was impressed with my story and the polished way it was put together. She was happy that she had to do very little editing to include my story. Several other participants submitted stories but their stories weren’t flushed out and the work not edited. She was willing to do edits but many publications aren’t and simply won’t use these submissions.
Make sure that as a writer that you make time to write. It isn’t always easy but necessary. I write down my goals, keep a calendar and check in with my writer’s groups. What are some ways you keep on task with your writing?