Good Things Come Book Launch
With my first book, What Goes Around Comes Around, I was able to schedule events at my local libraries and bookstores. During this Covid-19 pandemic, I had to do something to utilize social media. I saw many news reports of people have drive-by birthday parties and graduation ceremonies so why not have a book launch.
Good Things Comes Book Launch Party
On Sunday, August. 30, at 1313 Cherry Street in South Plainfield from 3-5 p.m I am Candace Waller is hosting a drive-by book launch party. I involved my writer friend from Monday Writes, based at the Plainfield Public Library, North Plainfield Library Writer’s Group, and the Piscataway Library Writer’s Group. These groups were a lifeline giving me the opportunity to meet online and offer a way for writers to connect, write, and critique my work.

I am a lifelong library users and one of my first jobs was working as a Library Page. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has. forced many libraries to close or restrict how patrons can use their services. Online meetings are ways that writers can connect with others. I am not sure I would have completed Good Things Come if I hadn’t been in these library groups
Description of Good Things Come
Good Things Come, is a clean, contemporary Christian romance that follows Nicole Gonzalez as she takes a girls’ trip to Puerto Rico to connect with her father’s family. Good Things Come is the sequel to What Goes Around Comes Around. Both of these projects started during NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month that takes place during November.
Send me a 15-second video
One of my goals is to help other writers and small businesses win. I am creating a vidoe to promote, Good Things Come, and other authors and business owners.
Well-wishers can drive-by and have a 15-second message taped on Sunday. Those who can’t make it can email a 15-second video message with well-wishes to Those who have written a book or have a business are asked to include book title or business name along with their location. The completed video will be shared online.
There were so many things I could be sad about and I am not alone. The year 2020 has been so hard for so many people. I have experienced several personal losses that included the death of a cousin to the virus, another from suicide, job instability, and the frustration of trying to get my unemployment benefits (I am still waiting on this). The completion of my book represents the durability of the human spirit.”
Check us out on Facebook Live
The book launch party will stream live on Facebook at on Sunday, August 30 from 3-5.
Good Things Come Book Launch Press Release
Please check out the press release for my event. Would love to hear from other authors of what creative ways they have completed and/or marketed their books during this pandemic