Friendships with Older Women
The Book of Ruth

I have truly benefitted from having friends much older than I am. The wisdom they share just from living so long is priceless. In my upcoming novel, How Marguerite Becomes Rita, Rita befriends an elderly woman. Mavis Johnson is Rita’ biggest cheerleader and the mother-figure she so desperately needs. In this novel, we see how the friendship between two woman with a large age difference can benefit each other.
One of my best friends in high school was an elderly lady called Mary. She was the person I confided my secrets. She understood the complexities of love and wasn’t afraid to tell me her past mistakes. it was Mary who talked me out of doing something drastic when an ex-boyfriend broke my heart. She told me to be the lady that I was raised to be and not focus on revenge.
I would go to her house and give her a manicure. She would fix me a plate of delicious spaghetti. Mary has been gone so many years but I often think of her. Throughout my life there were other older woman who guided my path. The mistakes they made I didn’t have to make.
The Bible talks about the importance of these relationships and one of my favorite younger woman/older woman relationships comes from the book of Ruth. Naomi was her mother-in-law and these situations can often be full of friction. Ruth admired and loved her mother-in-law and when Ruth’s husband died she was determined to stay with her.
For wherever you go, I will go
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge
Your people shall be my people
And your God, my God
from The Book of Ruth 1:16
Over the years the wisdom and love Naomi showed guided Ruth and she wanted to repay her. Ruth honored, loved, respected and listened to Naomi. The ultimate reward was that Naomi was blessed through Ruth.
Spend time with elderly woman in your community because they can teach you so much. I have found they are open to company and always willing to share pearls of wisdom they have learned from living.
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