Finding Love With a Younger Man: 5 Tips for Success

In my novel What Goes Around Comes Around, my main character Nicole Gonzalez finds love with a younger man. Luke is warm, successful and into Nicole. He has a sexy swagger that is backed up with the shared values of honor and respect. He listens to Nicole and comforts and supports her. WhenNicole is with Luke she feels love. He was the one that got away but is now back in her life. Nicole must decide if she will follow her heart and take a second chance at love. One of her issues is that Luke is younger and she sees him as the goofy kid in high school and not the sexy man he is today.
Nicole is not alone with her reluctance. There is a stigma when a woman dates a younger man. They are called cougars and there is often snickering. It is getting more social acceptance as more woman are breaking down barriers when it comes to love.
Why is there a double standard when a woman finds love with a younger man? As far as I know there isn’t any term when an older man dates a younger woman. This past week I went out with a few friends and we met two very nice men that were significantly younger. I was hesitant to even talk with them but my friend encouraged me to take a chance. “Age ain’t nothing but a number,” she said.
The qualities I like in man , honesty, integrity and genuine concern, were very apparent in this young hottie. What would be the harm in at least being friendly?
I have dated younger man and it has been great. The myth that a younger man is not as established is often not true. A younger man can be just as supportive, loving and financially stable as someone older. Don’t hold back on dating a younger man, my sisters, based on a number. Look for shared qualities, and core values. Read on for other tips. Feel free to share your experiences with a younger man in the comment section below.
#1 Keep an Open Mind
Love is often elusive so when you find someone you are attracted to be open to the possibilities. I was hanging out with a friend when she mentioned two nice guys had helped her in the parking lot. I agreed with everyone they were nice. My friend invited the two men to our table for desert and that’s when things got interesting. I saw this soft-spoken, articulate, and attractive man and was intrigued until I asked his age. I was immediately going to write this man off because of his age. However after talking and observing him, I found he had many of the qualities I found attractive. In a previous post, 3 Things Women Want in a Relationship, I talk about the importance of support. This guy showed support and genuine concern, two things I look for in a potential partner.
In addition to being supportive he was also very ambitious and was supporting himself very well. Sometimes people believe that an older man would be more established but that isn’t necessarily the case. I have dated several older men who were still struggling with their purpose in life.
#2 Be Observant
Don’t be fooled by a pretty face. It takes more than good looks and a hot body to seal the deal when it comes to dating. I have to admit that physical characteristics are the first thing most people notice but you can’t stop there if you want to have a fulfilling relationship.
How does this younger man treat you? What is his conversation like? When talking with the guy at the party I was pleasantly surprised to learn that we had similar taste in music despite the age difference. He had a very mature spirit. We had a wonderful time at the club and I am so glad that I didn’t shy away initially based on his age. By keeping an open mind and seeing what truly was there I could appreciate his qualities despite the age difference.
#3 Recognize that Some Differences Can’t Be Overcome
I know I just told you to keep an open mind and be observant but you also have to listen. One of the key components of a great relationship is being on the same page. You have to listen to what he is saying with words and actions. Does he want children? Does he like travel? Where does he see himself in five years? These questions should be what you need answered in the early stages of any budding relationship. The answers to these questions have a significance when dealing with a younger man because they have help you determine if you are both on the same page.
If your man wants a child and you have already done that or feel too old to have children this can cause a rift in your romance. Or perhaps you are looking to settle down and he wants to be more carefree. You want to know where this person stands so you can see if he is a match for you. I believe in going into a relationship with your eyes wide open.
#4 Keep a Sense of Humor
Don’t be so serious. People may make a joke about the age difference if they notice. In many cases, they won’t know the man is significantly younger unless you tell them. Also consider the source of any snide comments. Many of the women laughing at the age difference are single and would be best served worrying about their own love life.
#5 Appreciate the Perks of Being With a Younger Man
There are some great perks that come from being with someone younger. He has a new perspective. He may be more open to your ideas and value your added experience. He has more energy and will want to do things with you. Sometimes I think I am best suited for a younger man because he can match my energy.
I hope these tips help you get over any angst in dating a younger man. Would love to hear your stories about finding love with a younger man in the comment section below. Please subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss any updates.