Nicole Gonzalez has been gifted with an angelic voice and a knack for songwriting. With the world pressing her down and soon-to-ex chipping at her self-confidence, Nicole isn’t sure she has the courage to follow her dreams.
How far would you go to learn about your past? Nicole Gonzalez has so many unanswered questions about her Puerto Rican father, questions that have haunted her for years.
Death is a part of the circle of life that people don’t want to talk about. Lessons I Learned From
In this ebook, Candace opens up about the love that changed her life. Tragically, her true love passed away, and we learn of her efforts of finding love through humorous short stories on the trials of dating. Always hopeful this book will educate and entertain.
Katrina McCain is on fire. Her first book of poetry Because I Decided to Love…
Publishing Blog
When I picked up Ebony Sea by Irene Smalls (available on Amazon) I found a book that could explain the complications of slavery to a young child….
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