5 Things that Turn Men Off

5 Things that Turn Men Off

Dating is hard for everyone because people don’t present their true self. Male friends are great because they give a different perspective of relationships. I got these tips from asking men what turns them off. Check out my next post of what turns them on.

#1 Being Too  Possessive

Everyone women doesn’t want your man. Possessive women come off as insecure and petty, not a good look for anyone. Confidence is sexy to all shapes and sizes. The man who truly wants to be with you will let you know despite the actions of others. If you are with a man that constantly makes you jealous move on.

#2 Spending too much money

Money management is so elusive but important to maintain a lifestyle. A lot of people spend money to impress others. The character Bridget Jones was like that buying things she didn’t need to impress people who don’t care. In these times of financial insecurity presenting yourself as a woman that has to have the latest and greatest may make the men of your dreams runs away from you.

#3 Talking to much

It has been scientifically proven that women talk more than men. Take for example the women’s bathroom. Two unrelated women can walk into the bathroom strangers and walk out as friends. You never see this in the men’s bathroom. Men in general don’t open up as much.  Too much talking can drive a men bananas. Silence is golden. Make sure in conversation that you

#4 Too high maintinence

Men are visual creatures and it is important to look your best when trying to attract them however some women take this too far.  You want to be beautiful and also authentic. Being heavily made up all the time, afraid of water because your hair might get messed up ridiculously long fingernails and just overall letting your appearance stop you from having fun can be a big turnoff.

#5 Showing lack of interest

Making eye contact, smiling, talking and expressing interest is important in the early stages of dating. No man likes someone to be too available but you can’t play to hard to get. A confident woman has interests, a job, and something they are passionate about and be open to letting a man into her world

I hope these tips have helped you.